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DAS EDELWEISS - Salzburg Mountain Resort

One of our highest rated hotels by the guests! This is an amazing 5-star hotel in Salzburg, Austria offering hotel suites that comes with your very own private pool. We think you will love this hotel! Prices for a room with a private pool starts from $2,253 / night.
Best price guaranteed!
Free cancellation on most rooms
Guest rating: 9.5 (exceptional)
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Currency: USD
Room type
Total price
100 m² suite with a completely private pool.
Price: Set dates
115 m² suite with a completely private pool.
Price: Set dates
295 m² suite with a completely private pool.
Price: Set dates

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This family-run wellness resort is located in a sunny valley near the ski resort Grossarl. The hotel is offering a five star luxury holiday with a fantastic spa and one of the biggest indoor pools in the region. The very spacious guest rooms are perfect for a relaxing holiday. Especially the suites that have a terrace with magnificent mountain views and your very own private pool!

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