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San Canzian Hotel & Residences

One of our highest rated hotels by the guests! This is an amazing 5-star hotel in Istria, Croatia having villas that comes with your very own private pool. We think you will love this hotel! Prices for a room with a private pool starts from $992 / night.
Best price guaranteed!
Free cancellation on most rooms
Guest rating: 9.5 (exceptional)
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Currency: USD
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58 m² villa with a completely private pool.
Price: Set dates
160 m² villa with a completely private pool.
Price: Set dates

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We found this amazing luxury hotel in the countryside of Istria, surrounded by olive gardens and vineyards. We loved the architecture and the phenomenal dining experience. But the best part is the villas that comes with a fireplace and a private pool!

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Guest rating: 9.1 (superb)
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